21 Apr 2023
09:00  - 11:00


Events, Workshop

Stylometry with R

Two-hour crash course for introduction to computational authorship attribution

stylometrie banner

Quantitative methods are already an important part of literary analysis.  Stylometry deals with the study of an author's style using computational methods.  Based on the assumption that each author has his or her own specific style, statistical or computer models can be applied to verify whether or not a given author was the true author of a given text, novel or play. The methods and practices tend to work for most natural languages.

During the course we will present some case studies and the requirements needed to do stylometry with R and the stylo package, which offers easy-to-use implementations to perform various authorship attribution analyses. 

No previous knowledge is required. The courses are offered in English, but questions and contributions in German are also welcome.

Please register by email. Places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.

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