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/ News, Continuing Education, Events

Course on Research Data Management for Doctoral Candidates of Humanities and Social Sciences

The Research Data Management Network & Graduate School Humanities and Social Sciences, in collaboration with RISE, are organizing a comprehensive new course titled on research data management specifically designed to cater to doctoral…
AI Crash Course Series

/ News, Continuing Education, Events

Extensive AI Crash Course and Workshop Offerings in Fall 2024

RISE is offering a comprehensive series of AI courses and workshops in Fall 2024, covering a wide range of topics—from the basics to specialized applications.
RStudio banner

/ News, Continuing Education, Events

Additional training date for data visualization with RStudio

Due to high demand, RISE is offering an additional course date on 28.03.2024.
unibas and nodegoat logos

/ News, Research, Continuing Education

Nodegoat at the University of Basel

The popular virtual research environment Nodegoat is now fully available for researchers at the University of Basel.

/ News, Continuing Education

RISE expands its support portfolio

Once the pilot phase is complete, RISE will expand its regular FS2024 offering to include on-demand training courses
Netzwerk Visualisierung

/ News, Research

New Paper on Network Analysis applied to 17th. century Spanish Novels

The International Journal of Humanities and Arts Computing journal published the paper "Female Protagonism and Multilingualism in Spanish Byzantine Novels Analysed Using Character Networks" by José Luis Losada Palenzuela.
Conference Banner

/ News, Research, Events

Open Up Digital Editions

The Center Digital Editions & Edition Analytics (University of Zurich), in collaboration with Research and Infrastructure Support (University of Basel), is organizing the conference «Open Up Digital Editions» in Zurich, 24.-26.01.2024.
TUC24 Announcement

/ News, Research, Events

RISE at the Transkribus User Conference 2024

At the next Transkribus User Conference, RISE will present the results of a research seminar that took place in cooperation with Prof. Jürgen Mohn from the Faculty of Theology in F2023 at the University of Basel in a Lightning Talk.
European flags in front of building facade. Photo by Christian Lue on Unsplash.

/ News, Research

New Publication on the Effects of Coalition Governments on Election Results.

The Research & Politics (R&P) journal published the article "The electoral consequences of policy-making in coalition governments." with the collaboration of Anthea Alberto.
dh2023 banner

/ News, Research, Events

RISE at the DH 2023 in Graz

Two members of our RISE team are presenting at the largest event of the international DH community, the ADHO Digital Humanities Conference, which takes place in Graz, Austria from 10-14 July 2023.