on site (room tba)
TEI put into practice

RISE is offering a hands-on workshop on text encoding following the TEI Guidelines. The Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) offers an international standard for the representation of texts in digital form. You will learn encoding methods for adding intelligence to your text: the enriched text becomes searchable and reusable.
Workshop schedule:
- 9h-12h: introduction to TEI, using the XML editor oXygen, samples encoding, schema and customization
- 13h-14h: linguistic corpora
- 14h-15h: historical and literary primary sources
- 15h-16h: manuscripts and early prints description
The morning session is recommended for all participants, while the afternoon sessions can be attended by choice according to the specific needs. The course will be in presence. The maximum number of participants is 10.
Requirements: instructions for installing oXygen and suggested readings will be sent to the participants before the course.
Please register by email. Places will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis.
This course is offered primarily to members of the University of Basel. In cases of free spaces, external persons are welcome to enroll.
The course language is English.
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