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Elena Spadini to Speak on Semantic Web and Scholarly Editions

Network Visualisation

RISE is proud to announce that Elena Spadini will be the next speaker in the ATNU Virtual Speaker Series.

The talk will be held on Wednesday, April 26, 2023, at 4 pm UK time (BST). In the talk, Spadini will address the topic of "Semantic web and scholarly editions: where are we? With an appendix on genetic editing."

In her talk, Spadini will explore the current state of the art in the use of semantic web technologies in scholarly editing. She will begin with a data-centric approach to editions and discuss how digital scholarly editions contain a lot of useful data other than the edited text. She will then give an overview of the resources used and usable in scholarly editing in general and focus on critical and genetic editing. Spadini will discuss the benefits and challenges of working towards semantic editions and will engage with the audience on this important topic.

The talk is open to all interested parties, and attendees can register using the link provided. The zoom link will be sent to all registered attendees shortly before the event.

Read more on the Animating Text Newcastle University (ATNU) Virtual Visiting Speaker series.