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RISE at the DH 2023 in Graz

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Two members of our RISE team are presenting at the largest event of the international DH community, the ADHO Digital Humanities Conference, which takes place in Graz, Austria from 10-14 July 2023.

Elena Spadini and José Luis Losada Palenzuela jointly present a long paper, "Scholarly Digital Editions: APIs and Reuse Scenarios", on data reuse in scholarly editing, providing insights into the current panorama and imagining future developments. They focus on data reuse with an emphasis on machine reuse as opposed to human consumption. When: Thursday 13 July 2023: 9:00 - 10:30.

Elena Spadini participates twice, with a second long paper, "Genetic networks: data model and visualisations", on the concept of genetic networks to study the relationships between manuscripts and publications in genetic editing. Her talk is about data models and their formalisation in an OWL2 ontology, as well as the corresponding data visualisations in the form of sky maps. When: Friday, 14 July 2023: 9:00 - 10:30.

Read more on DH 2023 and the full conference programme