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/ News, Events

Love Data Week 2023

Once again this year, there are many informational events on the topic of research data management.
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/ News, Events

Digital Romanistics in Switzerland

The Digital Romanistics initiative enters its fourth year with its new website and spring 2023 program.
Image credit: Maximilian Hindermann  × DALL·E, "An oil painting of a programmer cleaning her code with soap", CC BY 4.0

/ News, Doctorate/PhD, Continuing Education

New training offer in cooperation with the WWZ

In collaboration with the Faculty of Economics at the University of Basel, RISE offers a crash course on "Clean Code, Documentation & Version Control".

/ News

Job advertisement: Student assistant (6 h/week)

RISE supports researchers in the humanities and social sciences at the University of Basel in questions concerning the conception of computer-aided research, the production, analysis and user-oriented presentation of digital data, as well…

/ News, Continuing Education, Events

Compact training offers

On 13.10.2022, the next round of RISE crash courses will begin.
Thomas Schmidt und Eric Decker

/ News, People

Change of director

With the departure of Thomas Schmidt, there is a new interim director for RISE since 1 August 2022.

/ News

New paper on the TEI-based ISO Standard "Transcription of spoken language"

Hanna Hedeland and Thomas Schmidt describe the TEI-based ISO standard 24624:2016 "Transcription of spoken language" and other formats used within CLARIN for spoken language resources.
KonsortSWD Logo

/ News

New publication on data infrastructure for the social sciences

A new article on data infrastructures for the social sciences has been published in the Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie (ZfBB). It deals with research data centres in KonsortSWD.
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/ News, Continuing Education, Events

A semester of crashcourses

During the spring semester 2022, RISE offered 10 crash courses on digital methods applied to Humanities and Social Sciences disciplines. Around 80 researchers from the university participated in the courses, shared their questions, and gave…
Screenshot 2022-05-19

/ News, Research, Organizational Unit

University of Basel in

In February 2022, the University of Basel has joined the iniative.