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A semester of crashcourses

During the spring semester 2022, RISE offered 10 crash courses on digital methods applied to Humanities and Social Sciences disciplines. Around 80 researchers from the university participated in the courses, shared their questions, and gave us inputs for the next round.
The most demanded course was the one on Transkribus, held three times in the last months. Transkribus is a comprehensive platform for the automatic recognition of manuscripts and printed texts on contemporary as well as historical sources. Transkribus makes it easy for teams to collaborate on transcribing, analyzing the layout and annotating the texts. This tool is now used in several research projects as well as in the classroom.
A second set of crash courses was held on RStudio as a research tool in digital workflows. In the crash course, participants were shown three application examples of RStudio, namely data visualization, data transformation and a brief introduction to quantitative text analysis.
Two further crash courses provided an introduction to EXMARaLDA, a system for transcribing and annotating audiovisual language data. Participants were given an overview of the workflow for constructing spoken language corpora, and the EXMARaLDA Partitur-Editor was demonstrated as the central tool for transcribing and annotating audio or video recordings of spoken interaction.
The last set of crash courses were given on scholarly editing and the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI). After a panorama of existing digital editions and their features, we introduced the TEI standard and looked at examples of TEI files.
We are now preparing the next round of crash courses. Would you like to know more about, for example, data visualization, version control or mapping software? Do you want more in-depth training on one of the topics already addressed? Do you have other needs and ideas? Get in touch with us: rise@clutterunibas.ch!