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New publication on data infrastructure for the social sciences

A new article on data infrastructures for the social sciences has been published in the Zeitschrift für Bibliothekswesen und Bibliographie (ZfBB). It deals with research data centres in KonsortSWD.
KonsortSWD is the NFDI consortium for the social, behavioural, educational and economic sciences. The stakeholders are expanding an existing research data infrastructure within the NFDI to accommodate these highly diverse types of data and research methods, and adding new integrating services. The 41 research data centres (RDCs) already accredited by the German Data Forum constitute the basis for this. The RDCs are special collections of specifc research data, e.g. from qualitative social research, and can thus advise researchers on the basis of their detailed expertise on the relevant data. In addition to supporting the RDCs, KonsortSWD is also establishing new services in the areas of data production, data access and technical solutions
Blätte, A.; Fräßdorf, A.; Heuer, J.-O.; Hofstätter, U.; Leonhardt, C.; Menze, L.; Miller, B.; Mozygemba, K.; Pattloch, D.; Rakers, J.; Reineke, S.: Runge, T.; Schlücker, F.; Schmidt, T.; Wenzig, K.; Wolf, C. (2021): Eine Dateninfrastruktur für die Gesellschaftswissenschaften - Unterstützung in der Arbeit mit Forschungsdaten durch KonsortSWD, ZfBB (69), 48-58. https://doi.org/10.3196/1864295020691276