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RISE at the Transkribus User Conference 2024

TUC24 Announcement

At the next Transkribus User Conference, RISE will present the results of a research seminar that took place in cooperation with Prof. Jürgen Mohn from the Faculty of Theology in F2023 at the University of Basel in a Lightning Talk.

The TUC24 will take place from 15.02.-16.02.2024 in Innsbruck. The topic of the Lightning Talk is the implementation of FAIR data practices with Tropy and Transkribus. It is based on a research seminar on the indexing and digital processing of a historical image collection on the appropriation of Buddhism in the West, which RISE offered together with Prof. Jürgen Mohn. Tropy is a free open source software for organizing and managing images (e.g. digitized sources). Transkribus is a platform for text recognition, layout analysis and structure recognition of historical documents. As part of the research seminar, RISE developed a Python package that provides an automatic image-to-text function for Tropy using the Metagrapho interface of Transkribus.