/ News, Research, Organizational Unit
University of Basel in CLARIN.ch

In February 2022, the University of Basel has joined the CLARIN.ch iniative.
CLARIN is an acronym of "Common Language Resource and Technology Infrastructure". It is a Europe-wide initiative in the wider context of ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures). CLARIN’s general aim is to improve the FAIRness (Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability, Reusability) of language resources (such as: digital language corpora, digital lexicons) and language technology (such as: annotation tools, automatic speech and language processors) for research in the Humanities and Social Sciences. CLARIN.ch is representing Switzerland in that context, currently with the status of an "Observer member". The activities of CLARIN.ch are coordinated through the University of Zürich. Thomas Schmidt from RISE acts as the contact person for the University of Basel. On Tuesday, June 14th at 1pm, Dr. Cristina Grisot, the coordinator of CLARIN.ch will be at the University of Basel to present the project as part of a "Tour de CLARIN". The event will take place in room 212 of the Kollegienhaus and is open to all interested members of the University of Basel.